DorkbotSxSW was _incredible_. Thank you to our sponsers (MAKE, IGDA, and SXSW-I) and all the volunteers, presenters, and attendees.

If you missed it, check out the links below for audio, video, photo and blog coverage from international sources.

Don’t forget:

* Transparent Mike Night (An Evening of Seriously Strange Sounds) at Brentwood Tavern (6701 Burnet Road) April 3 @ 7PM
* Our next dorkbot meeting is on April 12 7PM at Cafe Mundi. _We will be selling the remaining dorkbot6 posters at this meeting for $10 (IF there are any proceeds, they go directly back into future dorkbot events)_

### SxSW coverage
* [](

### News coverage of dorkbot-austin at sxsw
* [News.Com Science Blog: "The singing tesla coils of SXSW"](
* [San Francisco Chronicle, Wednesday, March 21, 2007](
* [](
* [BBC: Messing and mashing in Texas](

### Video and Podcasts
* [BBC Audio (edited down to dorkbot bits only by VernG)](
* [Bre Pettis's Vidcast for MAKE](
* [TechConf Podcast](
* [Japanese YouTube Video of Therapings](
* [Another YouTube Video](
* [YouTube Again](
* [YouTube Once More](
* [Tree Wave on YouTube](

### Photos
* [Cici Norman took some AMAZING photos](
* [Robot Group Pictures](
* [More Robot Group Pictures by DeniseS](
* [Josh's Pics]( _update: 2007.03.26_
* [Flickr Photo1](
* [Flickr Photo2](
* [Flickr Search for "dorkbot austin"](

### Blog Entries
* [MAKE](
* [Bre Pettis's Blog Entry](
* [destructoid](
* [destructoid2](
* [](
* [kreneezoner](
* [Joi Ito](
* [nikonius1](
* [nikonius2](
* [swirlspice](
* [Andy Carvin](
* [](
* [we-need-money-not-art](
* [original signal1](
* [original signal2](
* [cocolaco](
* [drublood](
* [redmonk](
* [cmliu](
* [echoditto](
* [](
* [el sol y la luna](
* [headkick](
* [glitchnyc1](
* [glitchnyc2](
* [Adam Rice](
* [fumi](
* [frqnc](
* [daniel ho](
* [physicsduck](
* [](
* [door number 3](
* [cavitate](
* [mattrent](
* [boy bedlam review](
* [lemur plex](
* [warren ellis](
* [partypic](
* [matrixsynth](
* [invidkllr](