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The DorkbotLondon Camp
1st-4th September 2006
Bentley Copse, nr Dorking

What's Happening

Well equipped campsite with our own indoors training centre, hot showers, proper toilets, big kitchen etc. Bring your own tent or (by prior arrangement) sleep indoors in the training centre.
to be confirmed, but will include making solar powered robots, pure-data and puredyne software, yoga, firemaking
to be confirmed, but if you've been to a dorkbot before you'll know the kind of thing to expect. there will be plenty of time for short ad-hoc "opendork" presentations too. let us know if you'd like to be added to the list (or just add yourself via the wiki).

Much more info is on the wiki


All sold out! Sorry.

If you want to be added to the reserve list please email alex at slab dot org.

More info

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