From DorkbotLondon
troctrd Add your ideas!
- Orienteering type stuff
- With OpenStreetMap we could map the local area, wherever it is.
- 'Wide games' with mobile phones, GPS etc would be cool. (e.g. Pacmanhattan)
- GPS vs. ESP orienteering challenges
- RFID letterboxing (
- 9v Dorkestra - bring a battery-powered instrument and have a jam.
- Ludditey/old skool non-electronic stuff
- making tools, rope skills, knife skills, survival skills etc. (a grown up scout camp)
- Heath Robinson device / Rube Goldberg machine contest (e.g. lifesize version of Mouse Trap).
- Algorithmic/generative art in real life. Rangolis (, crop circles, etc.
- Food hacks. What's the most elaborate thing you can cook on an open fire? Exciting things to cook (like cinder toffee). Jam
- Making fire with sticks.
- Fire poi. Juggling. Kites. Bottle rockets. Home made fi