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We should make sure to allot plenty of time and space for informal talks and workshops.

Confirmed presentations

  • Paul Webb. I'll be showing some of the work I have been making this year.
  • Matthew Yee-King. Adventures with open source music software and a digital re-interpretation of the one man band.
  • Ben Goldacre -- Interactive Bad Science Debunking Workshop Thing. I'll bring along a couple of quack-esque electronic devices which make extraordinary claims for us to discuss, dismantle and reverse engineer. Useful things to have, which I guess will be around anyway, might include a multimeter, maker tools to open cases, oscilloscope (I'll bring mine), any electronics probing tools you have, something to measure inductance, something to pick up radio freq emissions maybe, a monitor or mobile phone that we can be protected against, time traveller outfit, etc.
  • Steve coast (on Sunday)

OpenDork Presentations (last minute)

  • Curiosity Collective - making Ipswich interesting - a review of the last show from collective members. All invited to crib our ideas and join us next time. Any venues which would like to show our stuff or people who would like to collaborate, then get in touch.

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